Why Does My Puppy Hump Her Blanket

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A small puppy in a blanket - Why Does My Puppy Hump Her Blanket?

Is your puppy humping everything in sight? If so, you’re not alone! Humping is common for puppies, but what’s the reason behind it? Keep reading to find out more about why puppies hump and what you can do to stop it.


Is it Normal?

If you’ve ever walked in on your puppy humping a toy or your leg, you may be wondering if this behavior is normal. The good news is that humping is perfectly normal behavior for puppies (and dogs). 

Puppies often hump to explore their bodies and get comfortable with their sexuality. Humping can also be a way of showing who’s boss is or the much-needed relief from stress.

However, if your puppy is excessively humping objects or people, it may be a sign of a medical condition that should be discussed with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.


How Often Should it happen?

There’s no one answer to this question since every puppy is different. Some may frequently hump, while others may only do it occasionally. 

If your puppy is humping more than usual, it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition, so it’s best to consult with your veterinarian.

Otherwise, try to redirect your puppy’s attention when he or she starts humping. This could include playing with a toy or going for a walk. With time and patience, you can help decrease the frequency of your puppy’s humping behavior.


Should You Try to Stop it?

It is normal behavior if your puppy has a medical condition that makes them hump excessively. With that said, you should try to distract your puppy from diverting its attention to something else. It could be:


  • Treats
  • Playtime
  • Cuddling
  • Toys
  • Training


If you need help distracting your puppy, you can contact a dog trainer or behaviorist for more tips on how to stop the behavior.


Is it just a Phase?

Puppies are known for their boundless energy and exuberance, and it’s easy to assume that humping is simply another way for them to burn off some steam. 

But, of course, puppies will also sometimes hump simply because it feels good! So, ultimately, there’s no need to worry if your puppy is engaging in this behavior from time to time.


What Can You Do About it?

Puppies hump for various reasons, including exploring their bodies, asserting dominance, relieving stress, or simply because it feels good. 

While humping is perfectly normal canine behavior, it can be frustrating for owners who would prefer that their pup stop. If you’re struggling to deal with a humping puppy, here are a few things you can do. 


Figure out why they’re humping

If they’re doing it for dominance or stress relief, redirect their energy to positive activities like training or exercise. If they’re humping because they’re exploratory or anxious, provide them with plenty of toys and chew bones to help keep them occupied.


Don’t punish the puppy for humping

This will only increase anxiety and may cause them to become aggressive. However, with a little patience and understanding, you can help your puppy outgrow this phase and become a well-adjusted dog.


Consult your vet or dog behaviorist

If your puppy is humping excessively, it might be a good idea to call a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.


Final Thoughts on Why Does My Puppy Hump Her Blanket 

So, what can you do if your puppy humps everything in sight? The best solution is to try to distract them from whatever it is they’re fixated on. You can also help ease their anxiety by providing a comfortable and calming environment. 

If the humping is excessive, however, be sure to call your puppy’s vet or behaviorist for professional help. In the meantime, just remember that this type of behavior is perfectly natural for puppies and usually stops as they mature.