Why Do Dogs Get So Attached To One Person?

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Woman reading a book on her bed holding a dog with a hand - Why Do they Get So Attached To One Person?

Does your dog seem like he or she favors one person? You may think, “Oh, they just like that person more.” But in reality, it’s because of the attention and devotion that is given to the dog that explains his or her loyalty. 

Are dogs really picky to whom they’re loyal? They can be. Read on to find out why they are and tips on how to get your pup to like everyone in the household.


Are Dogs the Most Emotional Animals?

Dogs, believe it or not, have a lot of emotions. It can show you that they’re happy, sad, angry, and more. While they can not talk to us to tell us how they feel, they certainly have no problem showing us how they feel. 

They can even show more complex emotions, including jealousy, guilt, pride, and empathy. 

So, remember, dogs feel more than we think, so you’ll want to watch out for one of their emotions. 


How Long Can Dogs Remember Their Previous Owners?

Dogs do not have memories as we do. We have episodic memories, where we remember events with time. For example, days, weeks, months, and years. Dogs have associative memories, where they remember things by association.  

For example, dogs remember you by your physical characteristics and, most importantly, smell. 

They can even remember how you’ve treated them, so if some time goes by after leaving their previous owners, it’s likely they will remember them just by association, whether they were treated kindly or poorly by their previous owners.


Do Dogs Always Have Their One Favorite Person?

Dogs can be loyal to more than one person, but they do tend to be attached to the person who devotes the most time and attention to them. 

If you are the one who feeds your dog, walks your dog, and spends more time with it, it’s likely that the dog will favor you over other household members. 

The other members of the household he/she will still consider friends but not as the pack leader. 

Dogs typically only have one pack leader that they look up to, and it would normally be their favorite person.


What if You Are the New Owner?

Did you just adopt your new dog? That’s great! As you know, there will be an adjustment period for the dog to get used to you, your family, and its new surroundings. 

The best thing you can do for your new dog is to be patient and give it lots of love. He or she is going through a stressful time, and you will want to ensure that it’s now in a loving home.

Once he or she adapts, you can be sure they will love you and consider you as a pack leader. This is your chance to form a connection with your dog. 


How to Get Your Dog Used to the New Owners?

Your new dog is a little nervous, and that’s completely normal. It’s understandable, it’s probably been a while since they’ve had a family to call their own, and now they’re going to be living with new people. So they don’t know what to expect or how to act.

But guess what? You can help them get comfortable! Here are some tips for getting your dog used to the new owners:


  1. Don’t rush things. Try not to get frustrated if your dog isn’t immediately comfortable with you, and they’ll come around! Just be patient and kind, and remember that this is all new for them, too.


  1. Take them on lots of walks so they can get used to being outside around other people and animals (even if those other people aren’t you yet!). This will give them more confidence in their surroundings, which will make it easier for them when they meet someone new.


  1. Give them lots of attention! Let them know how much you love them (and how much better life will be when YOU’RE together) by petting them often and giving treats every time they do something good.


Final Thoughts on Why Do Dogs Get So Attached To One Person

It’s normal for dogs to be attached to you or other family members. This is because they see you as the pack leader. So, don’t worry if it takes a bit of time, especially if you’ve just gotten your dog. 

Once they’re used to you, they’ll love you more than anything, and you’ll have a companion who will always be by your side!