Why Does My Puppy Not Like To Cuddle?

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Person holding a white dog - Why Does My Puppy Not Like To Cuddle?

There are several reasons why your puppy doesn’t like to cuddle. This could include a natural aversion to cuddling, anxiety, injury, or illness. 

Animal behaviorists theorize that keeping your dog in a restricted position when cuddling can make them feel stressed or restricted. So this is another possible reason why your puppy might not like to cuddle.


Is it normal for puppies not to want to cuddle?

It is normal for puppies not to enjoy cuddling. The sensation of being cuddled can feel restricting and claustrophobic. 

If they feel restricted, it could lead to feeling fear. In this case, your puppy’s instinct will be to run. Therefore, restricting your puppy’s ability to run will increase their stress and anxiety levels.


Is there something that happened to make my puppy not want to cuddle?

It is unlikely to be a single event that has caused your puppy to not want to cuddle. Instead, it could be the result of a temporary or more long-term change in your puppy’s comfort levels.

On some occasions, your puppy could be too warm, which causes them not to want to cuddle. This is likely, especially if your dog has a large amount of fur or the weather is hotter than usual.

Your puppy also might not want to cuddle as a result of its breed. Some dog breeds grow up to be more independent. Some dogs don’t enjoy cuddling as a result of their nature.


At what age do puppies become more cuddly?

There is no specific age when your puppy will become more cuddly, as all dogs are different. 

However, it’s not uncommon for your dog to become more cuddly as it grows up. 

This is usually down to the owners making their dogs feel more comfortable with cuddling rather than forcing it.

On the other hand, some dogs become less cuddly with age as they become more independent. Even if you want a cuddly dog, this has benefits, as your dog is less likely to suffer from separation anxiety.


Do some puppies never grow up to want to cuddle?

Some breeds, particularly working breeds and hounds, often want to spend their time independently. In this case, some puppies may never grow up wanting to cuddle.

Other breeds may be much more cuddly.


Final thoughts on Why Your Puppy Doesn’t Like to Cuddle

There are several reasons why your puppy doesn’t like to cuddle. It could be that it doesn’t enjoy the feeling of cuddling or finds it restrictive. This is a completely normal response from your puppy. It could also signify that your puppy is in pain or feeling unwell.


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