Why Is Your Dog So Obsessed With You All Of A Sudden

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White Maltipoo running on green grass - Why Is Your Dog So Obsessed With You All Of A Sudden

If your dog is suddenly obsessed with you, this is likely a result of an unexpected change of circumstance in your dog’s life. An example would be moving house, a new baby or flatmate, pregnancy, or the addition of a new pet.


Why is my Puppy Extra Clingy all of a Sudden Today?

Some reasons why your puppy could be displaying excessive clingy behavior are: 


  1. Separation anxiety
  2. Change in environment
  3. Stranger in your house
  4. Boredom
  5. Illness


Should I be Concerned with These Sudden Behavior Changes?

You should only be concerned by these sudden behavioral changes if you cannot pinpoint the cause. 

For example, if it appears that nothing has changed in your dog’s environment, it might be that your dog is feeling ill or in pain. In this case, it’s always better to seek advice from your dog’s vet.


What Can I do to Get them to Calm Down?

Getting your dog to calm down is an important step in helping your dog to enjoy their alone time. This is done through positive reinforcement. Try to stop your dog from following you around and avoid rewarding clingy behavior. 

Separation is a big element of your dog’s obsession with you. To tackle this, try to exercise your dog before you leave to make sure they are tired. Also, ensure that they have plenty of food and toys to keep them entertained. 

Gradually, increase the amount of time your dog spends alone. Again, do this in small steps to avoid overwhelming your dog. 


Can Dogs Become Obsessed with Their owners?

Dogs can become obsessed with their owners. Some common signs include your dog never wanting to leave your side, extreme separation anxiety, and being aware of your every movement. 

Commonly you will find your dog barking or displaying destructive behaviors when you leave, even for a short amount of time. 


Final Thoughts on Why Your Dog Became so Obsessed with You All of a Sudden

There can be many reasons why your dog is so obsessed with you all of a sudden. If your dog did not previously display signs of separation anxiety, this is likely due to a change in circumstance that is causing your dog to feel unsettled. 

Be aware of any changes such as moving house, a new roommate, pregnancy, or a new pet. These can make your dog feel uneasy or even jealous, which could be the cause of your dog’s new obsession with you. 


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