Why Does My Puppy Not Like To Be Petted

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A grey dog being petted - Why Does My Puppy Not Like To Be Petted?

Not all puppies like to be petted. Some just prefer not to be touched. But why is this? It could just be your puppy’s personality. It may not be used to human touch or may have suffered some past trauma relating to humans in its early life.


Is it Normal for a Puppy not to Want to be Petted?

It is normal for a puppy not to want to be petted. Some dogs simply don’t enjoy it. Even if your puppy was shown love and affection from birth, it still might not like being petted or touched.

Some dogs are just not affectionate. It is just an innate part of their personality. 

This doesn’t necessarily mean that there is something wrong with your puppy if it doesn’t want to be petted. However, these types of dogs usually prefer to play with a ball or toy with you rather than sit still and cuddle with you.


Is There Something that I Did to Make My Puppy Not Like Getting Petted?

This aversion to touch is not necessarily the result of something you have done. Often this reaction to petting is present from birth. These types of dogs are independent and don’t require much attention or affection to be happy. 

This doesn’t mean that your puppy doesn’t like you or spend time with you. It just means that physical touch is not their primary way of giving or receiving attention.

On the other hand, your puppy might not like being petted because you didn’t cuddle or pet them much as a young puppy.


How Long Will this Behavior Last?

There is no set answer as to how long this behavior will last. However, if your puppy is young enough, it is the perfect time to teach them that human touch is ok. 

This can be beneficial when you need to take your dog to the vet or groomers. It would also allow you to enjoy petting them.

Some dogs, however, do not change their minds about being petted. Even as adult dogs, they do not enjoy being petted. This is just a part of their personality.

Because all puppies and dogs are different and have had different life experiences, personalities, and temperaments, it’s impossible to predict how long this behavior will last. 


Final Thoughts Puppies That Do Not Like Petting

It’s likely that if your puppy doesn’t like to be petted, it’s because you are petting it in the wrong place or way. However, it could also be that your puppy doesn’t enjoy petting because of its personality. 

On the other hand, perhaps your puppy is not used to human touch, and it’s just a matter of getting them more accustomed to being petted.


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