Puppy Doesn’t Cuddle Only Bites

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Dog biting on a lady's finger - Puppy Doesn't Cuddle Only Bites

If you’ve recently gotten a new puppy, it’s normal to be aware of their behaviors. You may have noticed that your new puppy doesn’t like to cuddle and only bites. 

In this article, we’ll explore the possible causes for this behavior, if you should be concerned and how long this might last.


Why Doesn’t My Puppy Want to Cuddle and Only bite?

There are several reasons why your puppy doesn’t want to cuddle and only bites: 


  • Their nature: Some dogs can simply dislike petting or cuddling because they don’t enjoy it. There are some dogs that are born with an aversion to close and personal touching. 
  • Wrong area: Your puppy might not want to cuddle and only bites because it doesn’t enjoy the way or area that you are trying to pet them.
  • Previous mistreatment: It could be that a puppy that doesn’t want to cuddle and only bites could have been mistreated or abused in the past.
  • Pain: Your puppy might not want to cuddle because it has an undiagnosed injury or is going through a growth spurt. If you suspect this is the case, make sure you take your puppy to the vet.


Do Puppies Usually not Want to Cuddle & Only Bite?

Most puppies like affection but not usually cuddling. It can make them feel overwhelmed and increase their stress and anxiety levels. So instead, try and find a way of cuddling your puppy in a way that it can easily leave without a struggle.

If you cuddle your puppy in a way in which it doesn’t feel restrained, it’s more likely to start to enjoy cuddling. It’s very normal for puppies to enjoy the feeling of restriction, and it can make them want to avoid being cuddled.


Is Biting When They Cuddle a Sign of Something?

For puppies under the age of six months, biting when being cuddled is totally normal. Young puppies may think when you’re cuddling them that you’re trying to play. Play biting is a very common behavior for puppies this age and is not usually a sign of anything.

If your puppy is over the age of six months, it could be that they have learned to associate the positive experience of being cuddled with play biting. In this case, this is not a sign of something, and you should try to break that reinforcement with your dog.

It is also possible that your dog sees you trying to hug him as a sign of dominance. If you suspect this, working with your dog in training is important. In order to see maximum success, a professional can work with you and your dog.


How Long Will this Behavior Last?

This behavior usually lasts until the puppy is six months old. It can, however, last into adolescence or until they have grown their full set of adult teeth. After they have reached this age, your puppy should stop biting when being cuddled.


Final Thoughts on Puppies That Like Biting Instead of Cuddling

Your puppy is likely biting instead of cuddling because they do not enjoy being cuddled. If this is the case, stop cuddling your puppy in that way. It could also be because they are young and get excited or confuse cuddling with play.


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