Puppy Pulls Backwards On Leash

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A man walking with a leashed bulldog - Puppy Pulls Backwards On Leash

Have you ever been out for a walk and noticed others walking their dogs? Was their dog walking next to them, or were they being pulled? When getting a puppy, there’s a lot of training that comes along with it. One of the many things that need to be taught is how to walk on a leash.

Unfortunately, many people don’t take the time to teach their dogs how to walk on a leash properly. If you’re thinking about adopting a puppy or are a new dog owner and looking for tips on training your dog, this article is a great place to start.


Why Do Puppies Do It?

Puppies pull on their leash for two reasons. First, puppies have a lot of energy, but they have low stamina. When you start walking your pup, it would be better to walk down the street.

The second reason is that they’re too energetic to walk. Being put on a leash can be seen as restricting, so while your dog is willing to play fetch forever, as soon as they have constraints, they no longer want to participate in the activity.


Should You Pull Back?

There’s no harm in giving the leash a little tug to correct your puppy’s behavior while walking. For example, if your dog is sniffing something delicious, getting them back on track with the walk is essential. This also helps train your dog not to wander far from you.

If tugging on the leash has not helped, do not yank it. Not only is it mean, but you risk damaging your dog’s neck. Instead, if your puppy refuses to walk, pick them up and take them home. Then, on the next walk, prepare to bring treats to coerce them.


How to Stop it from Happening?

The best way to stop it is by training your puppy to walk with you. Start by walking inside your house and calling your dog to come next to you, and treat them every time they do it correctly. Once you get this down, you can start going outside.

Every time your puppy pulls, stop moving. Call your dog next to you and treat them when they accomplish the command. Then, start walking again, be sure to treat your dog at various points when they walk next to you for a prolonged period.


Will Your Puppy Ever Stop Pulling on the Leash?

If you don’t train your puppy how to walk, it will not stop pulling on the leash. Dogs are creatures of habit.

If you don’t teach them what is acceptable and what is not, they will continue doing what they’ve always done. This is why it’s essential to train behaviors early rather than fixing a behavior later on.


How Long Does it Take to Train a Dog Not to Pull?

It typically takes a minimum of one week for a dog to learn a behavior. So if you spend a week training your dog to stand next to you and another week teaching them to walk outside, it’ll take a minimum of two weeks to accomplish the behavior reliably.

With that being said, it’s generally accepted that it takes at least six weeks for dogs to master a skill. It’s essential to be consistent with training. Since you take your dog out for a walk at least twice a day, you should be leash training twice a day.


Final Thoughts on Puppy Pulls Backwards on Leash

When adopting a puppy, it’s essential to realize that you will have to train them. Leash training is something that too many people overlook. If you want to train your dog not to pull on the leash, give them treats when they accomplish the command and be consistent.

You can tug on the leash to get your dog away from something that caught their interest but does not yank on it. You don’t want to damage their neck. They’ll never stop pulling on the leash if you never train your dog.

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