Walk Dog Once A Day

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Man walking his dog with a harness - Walk Dog Once A Day.

Getting a pet is a big commitment, and you must spend a lot of time training, grooming, feeding, and giving water to them. This also includes going on walks with them. On average, a healthy dog should walk for at least 15-30 minutes daily.

Be sure to take larger breeds on longer walks to get their energy out. A longer walk could last between 1-2 hours. If you like to hike, you could take your dog with you so long as you give them plenty of water and breaks throughout the day.


Is This a Minimum?

You should, at a minimum, walk your dog once daily if they still use a designated potty within your house. However, if your dog only goes to the bathroom outside, you should take them out for a walk at least 2-3 times a day.

While you can train your dog to hold their pee, it’s not good for their health and safety. Even though it looks like your dog can hold its bladder, extended periods of holding its pee can cause urinary crystals, stones, and a potential urinary tract infection.


For How Long Should You Walk Your Dog?

Smaller breeds can enjoy a 15-30 minute walk, and I recommend taking them for two 15-20 minute walks and one last 30-minute walk at night before bed. For larger breeds, take them on at least one 30-60 minute walk a day unless you go to a dog park.

However, if you have a dog who has health issues or is obese, it might be challenging to take these dogs out for long periods. Be sure to consult your vet for recommendations and listen to your dogs’ needs. It’s better to take them on walks that are manageable for them.


How Can You Know if You’re Not Walking Your Dog Enough?

You might be taking your dog for walks, but you want to be sure that you’re giving them enough time. It’s hard to gauge what your pet needs when they can’t speak, but here are a few signs that you may need to take them for longer walks:


  • Your dog is very restless at home.
  • Your dog constantly sits at the front door.
  • They’re using the bathroom in the house.
  • They’re continually whining for attention.


Should You Walk Your Dog at the Same Time Every Day?

Pets are like children in the sense that they thrive on consistency. Just like people, their bodies start to run on a cycle, so they’ll start having to use the bathroom at the same time every day. That’s why you must walk them at the same time every day.

If you have a job with irregular hours, it might be difficult for you to find a consistent time every day. It’s okay to have an hour or two difference between times, even if they have to be irregular. The most important thing is the actual walk.


How To Tell if You Walked Your Dog for Too Long?

While going on walks is good, it’s important not to walk your dog for too long, either. You shouldn’t exercise for 12 hours straight every day, nor should your dog. You might be wondering how to tell if your walks are too much. Here’s a list of signs:


  • Your dog sits or lays down and refuses to move.
  • They start biting on the leash to chew it off.
  • They start panting and walking slower.
  • Your dog becomes lethargic.


Final Thoughts on Walk Dog Once a Day

Getting a pet is a big commitment, and one of the things you must be sure to do is take them on walks. 

If your dog has access to a potty inside the house, it must still be taken on at least once daily. Smaller breeds need at least one 30-minute walk, while larger breeds need longer.

If your dog only uses the bathroom outside, you must take them out at least 2-3 times daily. If you make your dog hold their pee, it can cause a UTI. Also, your dog may need more walks if restless, and their walks may be too long if they become lethargic.