Why Can’t My Dog Catch

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Dog catching a ball on a field - Why Can’t My Dog Catch?

Dogs are bred to be hunters. They love to run around and catch things. Are you wondering why your dog can’t play catch or have an interest in it? 

It’s actually more complicated than you might think. There are a number of factors that play into your dog’s ability to catch, from their breed to their age. 

Are you interested to know why your dog can’t catch it? Read on to find out and find out how to improve your pup’s catching ability.


Are Some Breeds Not Good at Catching?

The truth is dogs are born with the instinct to chase and catch prey. However, some breeds are more adept at this than others. What are breeds better for catching? Here are the following breeds that are more adept at catching than others:


  • Border Collies
  • Australian Shepherds
  • Beagles
  • Basset Hound
  • Bloodhounds
  • Retrievers


With that said, medium and smaller dogs may not be able to play catch because most items are too big for their mouth to even grasp. They can’t be expected to jump high to try to catch that frisbee, either. 

While all dogs have the potential to be good at catching, some breeds are more naturally suited to the task than others.


How Can You Teach Your Dog to Catch?

Dogs are natural at running and playing. So, they can pick up any game you can teach them. This also means catch. This is how you can teach your dog how to catch:


Start with the hands

Start by teaching your dog to catch with his paws. This may sound strange, but it’s actually very easy. All you need to do is hold a treat in your hand and close your fingers around it so that your dog can see the treat but can’t get to it.

Then, say “catch” and show your dog your fist. Most dogs will naturally try to catch the treat with their mouths. But have them catch with their paws first so that they can learn how to catch.


Be persistent and reward your dog every time he catches the ball

Once your dog gets the hang of it, you can start using a tennis ball or another type of toy. Start by rolling the ball across the floor so that your dog can chase it and get used to the movement.  

Give your dog a treat when he or she catches the ball. This way, he or she can associate the game of catch with positive feelings. 


Why is it Important to Teach Your Dog to Catch?

Pets are a part of the family, and like any family member, it’s important to spend time playing and bonding with them. 

One of the best ways to do this is by teaching your dog to catch. Not only is it a fun game for both of you, but it also helps your dog stay fit and mentally stimulated. Besides, it will help cure the dog’s boredom because dogs can get bored!


So why is it so important to teach your dog to catch? 

Why do we need to teach our dogs how to catch? Playing a game with your dog benefits them a lot. Here are a few ways why it’s important to teach them to catch:


It’s exercise

It’s a great way to exercise your dog. Running after a ball or Frisbee is an excellent way for them to burn off energy, and it’s something that they can do even when they don’t have a lot of time. 


It helps your dog’s body and mind

Catching games helps to improve your dog’s coordination and reflexes. In addition, playing catch helps keep your dog’s mind sharp as it gets older because it’ll know exactly where the ball is going.


It’s fun

Playing catch is just plain fun for both you and your dog. It’s a great way to bond with your pet and create lasting memories. So next time you’re looking for a fun activity to do with your furry friend, don’t forget about the classic game of catch.


Tricks to Motivate Your Dog to Catch

What motivates a dog? There are a few things that can motivate them to do anything. Here are a couple of ways of motivating your dog to catch:


Use their favorite toy

This could be their favorite ball or a tug toy. The key is to make sure the toy is only given to them when they catch the item you want them to catch.


Use their favorite treats

You could put their favorite treat into a ball that can hold treats and then throw them. Don’t let them have the treat until they bring the ball back to you. You may need to repeat this a few times as most dogs will try to get at the treat. 

Remember, teaching your dog how to catch takes time and training. But once they get the hang of it, they’ll enjoy playing catch with you in the long run!


Avoid These Things if You Want Your Dog to Catch

Playing fetch is a great way of keeping your pup happy and active. But there are a few things that you should avoid when trying to play catch with your pup:


Don’t use tennis balls

We know. It fits in dogs’ mouths perfectly. But, while they may be the perfect size for your dog’s mouth, they can actually damage your dog’s teeth.


Don’t throw at a level they can’t reach

Too high or too low throws for your dog can lead to an injury. The last thing that you need is a trip to the vet for what was supposed to be a fun time.


Don’t get discouraged

Playing catch takes time for your dog to perfect. If he or she doesn’t catch it, don’t be discouraged. Keep trying. Eventually, they will be catching up like a pro.


Final Thoughts on Why Can’t Your Dog Catch

If your dog loves to play fetch, that’s great news! But if they’re new to the game, it may take a little time and patience, but eventually, your pup will snag a ball out of the air. 

Even if they never quite get the hang of it, playing catch is still a lot of fun for both you and your dog! Keep practicing together and see how good your pup can get at this game. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.