Why Do Dogs Get The Zoomies After A Walk?

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A puppy running on grass with its tongue out - Why Do they Get The Zoomies After A Walk?

Have you wondered why your dog seems to go crazy and run around? The good news is, it’s completely normal and called the zoomies. What are the zoomies?

Zoomies are an unexplainable burst of energy that happens randomly. Sometimes dogs are encouraged if you join them in fun.

Want to learn more about why your pup gets the zoomies after a walk? You’re in the right place, as we’ll explore why it happens in-depth.


Is This Common?

Zoomies are totally normal for dogs! If you’ve seen a dog run around and jump up in the air, you’ve witnessed zooming. Zoomies are when your dog just runs around like crazy, jumping up and down and barking like there’s no tomorrow. 

They usually happen when your dog has just woken up from a nap or after a long day of work. It’s basically just a way for your dog to release some pent-up energy.


Why Do They Do It?

Dogs will “get the zoomies” because they’re happy, excited, or frustrated. It all depends on their personality and what kind of day they’ve had. 

If your dog is having trouble focusing on something they should be paying attention to (like their toy), then zoomies can help them get out those extra jitters that might be bothering them!


Should You Try to Stop it?

It’s natural for dogs to want to run around in circles when they’re happy. It’s called “zooming,” and it’s a great way for them to release energy and stress. But is it really necessary to try to control dog zoomies?

We say no! There are plenty of reasons not to try to control your pet’s zoomies:


  • It can be dangerous for you, your dog, and other people or pets nearby if your dog gets too excited and runs into something or someone accidentally, so why risk it?


  • It might not work, anyway. Some dogs are just so excited that nothing will stop them from zooming around!


  • Zooming is good for your dog because it helps them burn off some excess energy, which is especially important if you live with other pets who tend to be aggressive (like cats).


So let ’em go wild!


How Can You Control it?

In our opinion, zooming for dogs shouldn’t have to be controlled as it’s pent-up energy. Instead, you want them to release all that energy by zooming around. But if you want a tired dog, here’s what you can do to prevent zooming:


Take your dog for longer walks

Sometimes, dogs still have a lot of energy that they will start to zoom around when the walk is done! So, to avoid this, walk them as long as you and your dog are capable of enjoying them. You will come home with a tired dog that just wants to nap immediately.


Play with your dog more

We consider playing exercise for dogs, so why not partake in a game with them? Not only will they stave off energy, but they will also help them mentally.


Make sure your dog isn’t frustrated or bored

Sometimes your dog is frustrated and wants to run around sometimes. So, you’ll need to ensure that it’s not either one if you don’t want your dog to be zooming.


How Often Should Dogs Have Zoomies?

The answer to this question is simple: as often as they want. Dogs, like people, need regular exercise to stay healthy. If you have a dog, it’s up to you to figure out what kind of exercise your dog needs. 

Some dogs are more energetic than others, and some like to run around more than others. But all dogs need some kind of physical activity every day. It’s just part of being a dog! If you’re wondering how often dogs should have zoomies, the answer is always!


Final Thoughts on Why Do Dogs Get The Zoomies After A Walk

The zoomies happen when dogs feel excited, particularly after a walk. Zoomies are believed to help rid your dog’s body of pent-up energy. 

But before you get to thinking that the variety of pounces and turns is just for fun, you’re wrong. This behavior is actually just your doggie working off some excess energy! So the zoomies are here to stay, and let your pup burn off that energy!