Why Do Dogs Poop In Different Places?

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A puppy sitting on grass - Why Do Dogs Poop In Different Places?

In selecting their territory, dogs send signals to other canines. They send signals in many ways, including those that mark territory. 

For example, all the other dogs in the area can determine what they ate, who their friends and enemies are, and whether or not a female is in heat just by looking at her poop.


Why Do They Do it?

Besides marking their territory and trying to communicate with you or other dogs, separation anxiety could also be a contributing factor to your dog pooping in different places. Dogs may also start defecating in different places if they’re under a lot of stress. 

Dogs, like humans, have a digestive system that is especially vulnerable to rapid shifts. Changing locations, for example, might be a stressful life event that puts your dog under stress.


How Do Dogs Choose a Spot?

While dog pooping is common, some canines spend considerably longer than others to select a suitable site. 

Maybe it will shock you to hear that there’s actual research to back up their dithering. Your dog’s deliberate pace may be due to anything from a calculated territorial strategy to the polarity of the Earth’s magnetic field.

The scent is a major sense for canines. Our dogs’ elimination is a highly sophisticated and efficient form of communication. 

For this reason, light poles have become as common as active Facebook groups for dogs. How and where your dog defecates tells other dogs a lot about her day. She “reads” signals from other animals when she sniffs the environment for a long time.

Another factor in choosing a spot to poop may be the level of privacy. We, humans, need our privacy when we do our business. It’s possible that your dog may feel the same. So, they will only poop in quieter areas away from the eyes of strangers and other dogs.

A seemingly bizarre opinion on how dogs decide where to poop is connected to the magnetic poles. Before getting into the poop position, does your dog perform a little spin? That’s all thanks to Earth’s magnetic north and south poles! 

So it’s possible that canines prefer to defecate with their bodies oriented to the North and South axis.


Do Dogs Poop to Mark Their Territory?

Yes, it is one of the most common factors contributing to your dog’s choice of pooping spot. It is like leaving a message to other dogs to let them know where they’ve been and that it’s their spot.


Do Dogs Poop to Show Dominance?

Where your dog poops is not commonly a sign of dominance, however, if your dog poops in your bed, that may be a sign of what they think of your authority. 


How to Train Your Dog to Always Poop in the Same Place?

Training a dog to go on command is one of the simplest ways to ensure it uses a certain spot. Place your dog in the area you’d like it to use while on a leash and use the cue word.

You should hold the dog there until it defecates, and only then give it a treat. Be sure to only treat the dog if it uses the designated pooper-scooper.


Final Thoughts on Why Dogs Poop In Different Places

There are various reasons why dogs poop in different places, from leaving messages for other dogs to, apparently, the magnetic poles. 

It’s uncommon to be a way to assert dominance but is mostly used to mark their territory. However, there are ways to train your dog to poop in a certain spot. You must be patient and persistent, but it will get better and easier over time.