Why Do Female Dogs Hump A Certain Person

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A dog playing with a woman outdoor - Why Do Female Dogs Hump A Certain Person?

Humping is something that we consider to be a male dog thing. But, let’s face it, most male dogs will pretty much hump anything. 

So, we are surprised to see a female dog showing that same behavior and beginning to hump things, especially a human leg. But what if they only seem to hump a specific person?


Is this Normal?

Despite not being very tasteful, humping is typical for dogs. So, although we don’t want them to do it, it is normal. However, that does not mean we should allow them to do it. Especially when they only seem to be doing it to a specific person.


Why Does it Happen?

Some dogs do this when they become aroused. Other people may do it only to demonstrate their authority and establish themselves as the head of the household.

Dogs tend to hump humans, giving them the most significant reactions or attention. When a dog humps for attention, it may choose to show off to the person or people who give it the most.


How Do They Choose a Specific Person?

A dog will hump a person when they have developed a close emotional bond with that person. In most cases, dogs will hump the nearest human, regardless of whether or not that person is their owner. 

Because of the favorable emotional associations that they have developed with this individual, this is the reason why they feel this way.


What Should You Do?

Investigate the motivations behind your dog’s persistent attempts to hump you or a specific person, especially given that this behavior is obviously not their idea of fun. 

If their behavior becomes excessive, you should consult with either your veterinarian or an animal behaviorist.


How Can You Stop it?

You can do a few things if you don’t feel comfortable with your dog humping you and it’s becoming a problem for you. But, first, there are things you can do to stop them.


Do Not Give Them Attention

Don’t show your dog too much love when they demand it. Don’t give them any affection when they hump; instead, push them away and wait for them to settle down. They will eventually realize that humping is useless and give up trying to accomplish it.


Exercise Your Dog

It is essential that you keep your dog active on a regular basis. An exhausted dog will not be interested in doing anything at all.



Messages need to be constant. They will grow perplexed if you occasionally reward their humps and then reprimand them on other instances. Stick to one or two rules and be consistent with them if you want to ensure your dog understands what is permitted.



You should try to divert their attention. When your dog starts trying to hump you, distract them with another toy. If they start to chase after the other toy, reward them with a treat. They’ll start associating nice feelings with choosing to stop humping you.


Professional Help

Get in touch with a specialist. You should consult a specialist if your dog becomes violent or if humps persist after you have tried these methods. You need the assistance of a trained animal behaviorist to solve this problem.


Final Thoughts on Why Do Female Dogs Hump A Certain Person

As you can see, it is totally normal for your dog to hump you. However, it’s important to dig into why someone is acting out if they’re doing it frequently or aggressively.

Consistency with regulations and refraining from showing too much affection on the dog’s terms are the greatest ways to stop humps from occurring. If you want a well-behaved dog who is also happy, you should be sure to give it enough exercise and a balanced diet.

Please keep in mind that not all dogs respond the same way to training. Consult an expert animal behaviorist if your current efforts fail to provide desired results. They can fix the problem and teach your dog not to hump you again.