Why Do Female Dogs Hump A Male Dog

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Two white dogs on walking on green grass - Why Do Female Dogs Hump A Male Dog?

Dogs like to hump things. That’s just something that they seem to do. A stuffed toy, a human leg, another dog, they aren’t too picky about what they will try to get it on with. However, this usually only refers to males. 

So, what does it mean when a female dog starts humping another dog? This article will explain why a female dog would start humping another male dog.


Why Does it Happen?

If your female dog mounts and humps other dogs, even males, this behavior does not indicate that she is confused about her gender. 

Female canines hump each other for a variety of reasons, including comfort, to establish who is the dominant member of the pack, and even for sexual pleasure.


What Does it Mean?

There are various reasons why female dogs will start to hump other dogs, including:


  • Social Dominance
  • Engaging Play
  • Stress
  • Compulsive Disorders
  • Excitement
  • Attention Seeking
  • Health Problems
  • Sexual Behavior



One of the most common motivations for dogs to hump is for the purpose of asserting their position as the alpha in a group setting.



Humping is typical behavior in dogs that serves as a release valve for anxiety and nervous energy. Dogs with alternative coping methods for stress and social dominance may hump less frequently.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Upon encountering a new dog or person, many canines will hump the newcomer or an object in the immediate vicinity. 

If a dog hasn’t had enough exposure to other dogs, it may not know how to play appropriately with others, leading to the excessive mounting of other dogs. However, this might cause obsessive behavior in some animals, which can disrupt their daily lives.


Attention Seeking

Humping is an attention-seeking habit exhibited by many dogs. This is especially true of dogs who aren’t getting enough exercise or affection. 

Most people can’t ignore a dog when it humps them, so even negative attention is better than none. From a dog’s point of view, humping is a surefire way to get some attention.


Health Problems

Potential health problems may also be indicated by humping, especially if they appeared out of nowhere. 

Any condition that produces pain or itching in the genital area, such as an infection, an allergy, or incontinence, can lead to humping. A trip to the vet is probably necessary if your dog suddenly begins humping.


What Should You Do About it?

Humping is common among female dogs, but despite this, most people would like to see an end to it. The act of humping can be discouraged in your dog in a number of ways. These methods range from spaying the dog to teaching some basic training.


How Should You Stop it?

Having a spay procedure performed on your female dog is a must. This has a number of positive effects on health, and it may also have a behavioral effect by decreasing humping.

Always keep a close eye on your dog if they seem to be mounting someone or something. They typically communicate through panting, whimpering, or pawing. 

At the first sign of any of these behaviors, distract your dog with a toy or a training signal (such as sit, shake, lie down, etc.).

In these cases, teaching a cue like “leave it” can be a huge assistance. For example, giving the command “leave it” when your dog attempts to mount anything can stop the behavior in its tracks.

For the dogs that are humping for attention, do not give them the attention they are after. Just ignore them. However, if they remain persistent, you may have to seek advice from an animal behaviorist.


Can You Prevent it from Happening?

Having your dog spayed is the best way to prevent this type of behavior from happening. However, some dog owners may not wish to have their dogs spayed for various reasons.

Training your dog from a young age will save a lot of hassle in the long run. Teaching them the proper way to behave and learning signals like “stop” or “leave it” will make them more obedient. 

If you see the signs that they are about to start humping, use your commands, stopping them before they can start. If you don’t allow it to happen in the first place, they will learn not to do it quite quickly.


Final Thoughts on Why Do Female Dogs Hump A Male Dog

Although it may seem odd for a female dog to start humping a male dog, it is actually normal behavior. However, it is not something you would like to encourage. 

Stopping it before it begins would be one of the best ways to prevent the behavior, discouraging the dog from a young age.

But you can also do things to stop the habit in older dogs. As with any form of training, it takes time. You will need to stay persistent with your dog, but they will eventually kick the habit.