Why Do Female Dogs Hump Another Female

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2 dogs sitting outside - Why Do Female Dogs Hump Another Female

When we think of dogs who hump, we often think of the relationship between male dogs and our legs. However, something we don’t often think about is female dogs who hump. If you haven’t heard of female humping, it might come off as alarming to you.


Why Do Female Dogs Hump Another Female?

It’s important to note that humping isn’t just a sexual thing for dogs. As puppies, they are exploring their world, and humping can become a part of play and excitement. While it might feel embarrassing, remember that female dogs could hump just as much as male dogs.

Another reason could be social dominance. If one female wants to declare themselves the alpha, then they will sometimes hump other females. Dogs naturally form packs with each other; with every pack, there has to be a leader.

Finally, a female dog might be humping out of stress. Meeting new dogs and people can be equally exciting and stressful to dogs. Seeing your female dog humping could be a stress relief tactic for her.


Is it Normal?

Yes! Female dogs humping other female dogs is just like when male dogs hump other male dogs. Whether it be social dominance or stress, it is completely normal.

If two female dogs are in heat, it’s also not uncommon for the two to mount each other when there are no male dogs present. So even if your female dog is spayed, it’s still.


How Can You Prevent It?

It’s important not to punish your dogs for humping each other because it is a natural thing that they do. If you restrict your dog too much, then you risk them becoming desocialized, and they won’t recognize their species’ social cues.

If your dog is humping you or your friends, then a good way to start training them to stop is to tell them “No” and turn away from them. If they continue, then you put them in timeout for a little while.

It’s important to reward them if they immediately stop humping after you give them the command to stop.


How Can You Tell if Female Dogs Are Humping Another Female Too Much?

Pay attention to the other dog if you’re trying to find out if the humping has gone too far. Does she seem irritated by your dog? Is she planning to start a fight? Then your dog has been humping that female for way too long.

If you’re concerned about your dog humping another dog too much, then there’s always the option of taking her to the vet.

If you find that your adult dog has started humping out of nowhere, it might be a sign of health issues. Ask your vet about humping and how you can prevent it from happening in the future.


Is Humping Between Female Dogs Just a Phase or Permanent?

While humping is a permanent instinct for dogs, it’s typically just a phase. Female dogs will typically hump until they’ve calmed down or been recognized as the dominant. You can also train your dog to stop humping if it feels like it’s been going on for too long.

The most important thing to remember is that female dogs humping other female dogs is not something to be automatically concerned about. A normal female dog will have moments where they hump and moments where they stop humping.


Final Thoughts on Female Dogs Humping Other Females

Although male dogs are typically the ones we associate with humping, female dogs hump as well. Female dogs hump for the same reasons that male dogs do.


  • Stress
  • Social Dominance
  • Play
  • Excitement


Overall, you shouldn’t be overly concerned about your dog humping another female dog because it’s an instinct.

However, it might be worth the vet visit if you find that she’s humping to the point that the other dog becomes aggressive or if she’s started doing it out of nowhere.

It’s important not to shame your dog for humping. Though, if you want her to stop humping humans, you should tell her “no,” turn away from her, and reward her if she stops. This is the easiest way to train her to stop humping.


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