Why Does My Dog Walk In Front Of Me?

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A hairy white dog walking on green grass - Why Does My Dog Walk In Front Of Me?

Do you believe there is such a thing as dog etiquette? Whether you do or you don’t, an interesting subject with an array of opinions among canine owners is how you walk your dog. 

Think about when you take your dog out for a walk. 

You’re enjoying being outside, taking in your surroundings. Is your dog beside, behind, or in front of you? 

The way you allow your dog to walk with you gives certain impressions and signals to the dog about its behavior. Below are some things you might want to start thinking about if your dog regularly walks ahead of you.


Is It Okay For Your Dog To Walk In Front Of You?

If you regularly allow your dog to walk in front of you, to them, it is you giving them permission to lead. This makes them feel like they are in charge and, in fact, the leader of your ‘pack.’ 

If you don’t mind this being the case, then by all means continue. However, if you want to be the boss, set the boundaries, and make the rules for the dog to follow, you need to take action. 

If you are trying to achieve a well-trained and submissive dog, you want to ensure your dog is always walking beside or behind you. You should be the first one in and out of the door. 


Do Dogs Do It To Protect You?

It is known that certain breeds, like German Shepherds, for example (who live to serve), sometimes walk in front of their owners to always be between them and a possible threat.

If your dog seems to only walk in front of you when other dogs or humans are around but is rather relaxed and happy to follow at other times, this could be a clear sign of a dog doing it for protection.


Is It Better If A Dog Walks Next To You?

Your dog does not need to heel at all times or be glued to your side by any means, but if you are trying to train, supervise or have a dog that requires extra management, then they will do best if they are beside you at all times. 

If you’re striving to make a good team, you and your dog, then you need to instill that you are, in fact, the leader and charge as early on as possible. 

Dogs are like toddlers in many ways. They like to know who is in charge and that they are safe with that person – you placing yourself at the forefront does that. 


Should You Allow Your Dog To Lead All The Time?

If you allow your dog to lead every time you go for a walk, you are encouraging them to believe they’re the leader and not you. 

If you are having behavior issues with your dog or struggling to get them under control, this could be why. You are letting them think they are in charge by allowing them to lead continuously. 

The dog then becomes confused when you suddenly start acting like you’re the one who is in control and scolding them for what you deem bad behavior. Therefore, it is best for both you and your dog if you do not allow them to lead all the time.


What Are The Flaws Of A Dog Walking In Front?

You will struggle in the long term if you allow your dog to continuously walk in front. 

Allowing your dog to walk in front is handing power over to the dog and giving up control of the situation. 

This does not only mean for walks; when you return home, your dog will think they are in control here too. 


Final Thoughts on Why Does My Dog Walk In Front Of Me

For a strong and healthy relationship with your canine companion, your dog should walk beside you or happily follow you. 

Of course, you can allow them to go off ahead and explore their surroundings, possibly with a little extra loose leash. However, if you want to remain in charge of your dog and be seen as their boss, ensure you are always first in and out of the door and leading the way. 


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