Why do Dogs Howl to High-Pitched Sounds

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A dog howling and a cat watching from far - Why do Dogs Howl to High-Pitched Sounds

A dog If you’ve been on the internet, you might’ve seen the popular video compilations about huskies howling. While they are silly videos of dogs being cute, don’t you ever wonder why they howl in the first place?

When a high-pitched sound plays, dogs register it as another dog in trouble. When dogs howl back, it’s their way of communicating that they are alert and ready to help the other dog who is in need.


How Do Dogs Produce that Sound?

Mammals, including dogs, have vocal cords that vibrate when air passes through. Dogs can make a variety of sounds, such as barking, growling, whining, and of course, howling. Like when humans whistle, howling is used to get someone’s attention.

While howling might sound similar to a human whistling, there are some differences.

For example, howls tend to be mournful and last for a while, and whistling is usually high-pitched and short if used to get someone’s attention. Whistling also involves restricting airflow, unlike howling.


Do All Dog Breeds Make the Sound?

While all dogs have the capability to howl, it doesn’t mean that they’re all sure to do it. Usually, the dogs that howl, like huskies, are the breeds that were encouraged to do so for many years.

When you consider huskies, their breed was used as sled dogs in cold climates. Their form of alerting the rider of potential dangers was through the use of howling. Some other breeds who are more likely to howl are:


  • Beagles
  • Bloodhounds
  • Basset Hounds
  • Dachshunds


What Can You Do About it?

Although howling is normal for dogs, you may not want to hear it all the time. So be sure to do your research before picking out your new furry baby. The last thing you want is to adopt a basset hound and find out later that they keep you up at night.

If, for some reason, you didn’t do any research before picking out your new family member, you can also put in the effort to train your dog to stop howling. There are many ways to do this so you don’t have to continue listening to the howling.


Can You Train Your Dog Not to Do it At All?

Yes, you can. One of the reasons dogs howl is to get your attention. Therefore, it’s important to ignore them when howling. This includes yelling at them to stop. I know this sounds counterintuitive, and once it starts, it will be hard to ignore, but you must do it.

If you don’t ignore the behavior, the howling will continue, but ignoring the behavior isn’t the only thing you have to do. Keep notice when your dog is staying quiet. Reward the behavior that you want them to exhibit. Give them treats when calm.


Tips that Will Help You Control it

Other than ignoring the behavior you don’t want and rewarding the behavior you do, there are other things you can do to help control howling. First, be sure to spend time with your pup and give them plenty of love. If they feel neglected, they’re more likely to howl.

Another thing you can do is send them to a professional trainer. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the training, like you can’t do it, that’s what professionals are there for. Reach out and ask for prices and how long it would take to help.


Final Thoughts on Why Dogs Howl to High-Pitched Sounds

Dogs have vocal cords like humans do and vibrate when air flows through them. One of the noises they make is howling. Dogs howl as a form of communication to let other dogs know they are alert or to get someone’s attention.

You must research which breed of dog to get, especially if you don’t like howling. If you haven’t done your research or if your dog has started howling, it’s crucial that you ignore the behavior and only reward them when they are being quiet.

To avoid howling, be sure your dog doesn’t feel neglected. If the training is becoming too overwhelming for you, be sure to reach out to a professional who can help.

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