Why Fleas Are Hard To Kill

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Microscopic view of a flea - Why they Are Hard To Kill.

Fleas are hard to kill. They can be resistant to pesticides, and they can quickly develop immunity to chemicals. Sometimes, they may even be resistant to natural remedies. 

So why is it so difficult to get rid of these pests? Read on to find out why they are hard to kill and how to get rid of them for good.


How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of it?

Completely eliminating them from your home can take weeks or even months. 

If you find yourself struggling to get rid of fleas within a decent time frame, you can call pest control. From there, they will have a plan to get rid of the fleas for good in your home.


New Devices that Help with Fleas

Warmer weather means fleas are coming out to play in more places. So, when they get into your home or even yard, you’ll want to use a variety of tools to get rid of them. Here are a few tools you can use to get rid of them:


Flea Combs

Flea combs are a simple way to remove fleas from your pet’s fur, and they can also be used to monitor for early signs of infestation.


Flea Collars

Flea collars release small amounts of insecticide that kills fleas on contact, providing long-lasting protection. Don’t worry. These are safe for dogs, and you can even ask your veterinarian to see which one is best.


Ultrasonic Fleas Control Devices

Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sound waves that interfere with flea communication and prevent them from reproducing. However, these devices must be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to be effective.


Flea Traps

Flea traps use heat and light to attract fleas and prevent them from biting your pets. With all these new devices, it’s keeping the fleas away for good, and for your pup to be comfortable is possible.


The Best Solutions for Fleas

If you are looking for solutions that you can do yourself at home, you can follow these tips:


Use insecticide

Treat all affected areas with a pet-safe insecticide. This will help to kill any adult fleas that are currently present.



You’ll want to vacuum everywhere that fleas may be. This means the rugs, upholstered furniture, and even the hardwood floors. Then, when you’re done, you’ll want to get rid of the vacuum’s content outside so that they can’t re-infest your home again.


Wash all bedding

To kill any remaining eggs or larvae, you’ll need to wash all bedding, blankets, and clothing in hot water. However, you can eventually get rid of fleas with patience and perseverance!


Keeping the yard clean

Did you know a messy yard attracts fleas? With that said, you’ll want to clean up any debris and pet droppings that may be present. Of course, you’ll want to keep your lawn mowed most of the time as well, as they love to hide in taller grass. 


What is the Strongest Cure for Fleas on the Market?

When it comes to getting rid of fleas, there are a lot of products on the market. But which one is the best? First, consider the life cycle of a flea. 

They lay eggs on animals or in their environment, and then they hatch into larvae. Larvae spin cocoons and emerge as adults, ready to start the cycle all over again.

In order to break the cycle and get rid of fleas for good, you need a product that is effective against all stages of the flea life cycle. A few products claim to do this, but scientific studies back only one. 

This product is called fipronil, and it is available in a variety of formulations, including sprays, powders, and spot-on. Fipronil works by disrupting the nervous system of fleas, ultimately killing them. 

In addition, it is fast-acting and long-lasting, making it the most effective treatment for fleas on the market today.


Common Mistakes that Won’t Help with Fleas

If you’re dealing with a flea infestation, you’re probably eager to take whatever steps are necessary to get rid of them as quickly as possible. 

First, however, it’s important to avoid making common mistakes that could make the problem worse. Here are some common mistakes people assume with fleas:


Fleas can infest clean homes

Many people believe that fleas only live in dirty environments. However, this is not the case – fleas will infest clean homes just as easily as messy ones. 


Regular shampoo won’t get rid of fleas

Another common mistake is using regular shampoo to kill fleas on your pet. The shampoo is not designed to kill fleas and will not effectively eliminate an infestation. If you’re dealing with fleas, be sure to use a product that is specifically designed to kill them. 


Only vacuuming the rug

Do you know that fleas can also live in your furniture and the pet’s bedding? Therefore, it’s important to clean everywhere when there is an infestation. 

Otherwise, you’ll be stuck in the never-ending cycle of getting rid of fleas. You can get rid of fleas quickly and effectively with the right approach.


Final Thoughts on Why are Fleas Hard to Kill

While it may seem like a never-ending battle, getting rid of fleas doesn’t have to be difficult. 

With the right methods, you and your pet can be flea-free in no time. Try some of the tips in this guide to see how well they work for you. 

If you still need help, don’t hesitate to reach out for help from your local pest control so that you and your pet can live in a flea-free home again!