Why Is My Puppy Cuddling More Than Usual?

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Woman in blanket holding a dog - Why Is My Puppy Cuddling More Than Usual?

Your puppy might be cuddling you more than usual because it has learned that this is positive behavior, and you are rewarding it. 

It could also be caused by separation anxiety, a sudden change in circumstances that makes your puppy fearful, or illness or injury.


Why is my dog cuddling so much all of a sudden?

There are several possible explanations for your dog cuddling so much suddenly, and it could be a combination of them. Here are some likely explanations. 


  • Injury or illness
  • Separation anxiety
  • You’ve changed your treatment or behavior towards your dog
  • Something is making your dog feel scared


What should I do to encourage it?

Positive reinforcement can be very effective in encouraging your dog to cuddle more. For example, providing your dog with treats, extra attention, or toys when it has been very cuddly or effective can teach your dog that this behavior leads to treats and rewards.


What can I do to get them to cuddle less?

If you are trying to get your dog to cuddle less, here are a few things you can try: 


  • Avoid leaving them alone for long hours
  • Distract your puppy with toys
  • Tire them out with exercise


Final thoughts on Your Puppy Cuddling More Than Usual

If you have noticed your puppy is cuddling more than usual, it could simply be because they have learned that this behavior will lead to them receiving a reward from you.

It could also be due to separation anxiety or something that has suddenly caused your dog to feel nervous, anxious, or stressed. The last reason could be that your dog is feeling ill or in pain.


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